
distilled spirit "Shochu"

Shochu, enjoy by diluting them.
Compared to the 2000 years history of Japanese sake, the history of "Shochu" is short, and it starts when the distillation of liquor passed from the Ryukyu (Okinawa) between the 14th and 15th centuries.

The method of production of the distilled liquor was passed from the Ryukyu to Satsuma (Kagoshima), and from a medical production method Sake became known as Shochu, and from southern Kyushu "The real Shochu" began to spread.

Kagoshima prefecture, which is also known as the Shochu kingdom, is famous for its "Imo-Jyochu (potato Shochu)", which is made from satsuma potatoes, or sweet potatoes, however, there is also, wheat, buckwheat, rice, and brown sugar.

I like "Kirishima" of shochu most.Please try this.

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